Management Team

Johnny Rushing - Parapsychologist, Lead Investigator/Founder

Johnny Rushing started in the paranormal at the age of 8 when he experienced something that told him there was life after death of the physical realm. He tore into any and everything he could get his hands on regarding the paranormal and hauntings. At the age of 16, Johnny started investigating. He has studied all aspects of the paranormal. However, hauntings has always been his passion. With a Masters in Psychology, and now working towards his Doctorate in Parapsychology, Johnny continues to learn everything he can about the paranormal. In 2005, Johnny and his son, Corey, started Central Alabama Paranormal Investigations (CAPI). It has grown, and continues to grow, into more that he could ever imagine.

Corey Rushing - Lead Investigator/Co-Founder

John Bowen - Lead Investigator/Team Manager Emeritus

John has been interested in the paranormal since he was 11 years old, thanks to shows like the X-Files, Unsolved Mysteries and In Search Of... His little gang of neighborhood friends would go searching for local made up legends like The Lakeness Monster, The Phantom Ice Cream Man, The Buried Man (a man buried alive in a hunk of dirt above ground 100 years ago by a witch) and Swamp Witch Haddie's House. Most of the local “legends” turned out to be made up by their older siblings to keep them our of their hair. John joined Central Alabama Paranormal Investigations in late 2018 and hasn't looked back. John is 37 years old. He married his beautiful wife 14 years ago and they have one daughter.

Beth Harris - Lead Investigator/Case Manager

Ever since she was a child, Beth Harris, has had a fascination with the paranormal. Throughout her life she has read books and articles, watched documentaries and TV shows, listened to podcasts - all about hauntings and the paranormal. She even lived in a haunted house when her son was an infant and toddler. Beth did not pursue the formal education or investigating until she ran across CAPI. Within minutes of watching a CAPI Live episode on YouTube, she realized she had found her home. One of her most exciting days was when CAPI brought her on their team as case manager. Beth is a Christian, wife, mother and grandmother to the brightest and most handsome grandson, Julian.


Michele Rushing - Finance/Marketing Manager

Michele Rushing, wife of Johnny Rushing, married into the team. She has been in charge of the financing and marketing since 2010 but has really stepped into the role since CAPI became so busy after the CAPI Lives started over a year ago. Her new job of making the CAPI merchandise has been keeping her quite busy lately.


Thomas Harris - Lead Investigator/Team and Equipment Manager

Tom is married to CAPi's Case Manager. He traveled with the team on a couple investigations when he decided to take the class and join the team. He finds the paranormal interesting and enjoys being a part of the team.
His love for electronics and gadgetry along with his attention to detail and organization makes him the ultimate choice for CAPI's Equipment Manager.
He is always ready for the next investigation.


Stephanie Jenkins - Media Manager


Joshua Northcutt - Security & Medic Manager/Investigator

I love all things paranormal ufo's, cryptozooligy, and the hunt for the unexplained I am the proud husband of Investigator Kimberly Northcutt and I joined the CAPI family in 2020


Kimberly Northcutt - Investigator in Training

My name is Kimberly Northcutt I am an investigator. I love investigating the paranormal and searching for the truth. I am a mother of 3 beautiful daughters I am married to investigator Joshua Northcutt .


Kimberly (2K) Benton - Investigator in Training

2K is the youngest member of our CAPI Team at 14 years old. She enjoys drawing, listening to music, sleeping and Italian Food. She is fascinated with all things paranormal.


Lydia Williamson - Investigator in Training

I've been into the paranormal since I was a very young child. I've always been very sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure, emf, temperature, etc. I believe this is very useful in this field.


Preston Roberts - Investigator in Training

Preston is a disabled Navy Veteran. He's had paranormal activity just about everywhere he has lived and it has already interested him.

Be sure to listen to CAPI The Real Paranormal on your favorite podcast platform!